
I was born and raised in Sweden to Slovenian parents, my maiden name was Anita Grobin. I grew up with two cultures-Scandinavian and Slavic. I speak three languages fluently. I often get typecast as either the  “Swedish tall blond” or the “Slavic undercover agent”.  I came to the States in 1990 with dreams of pursuing a career in the entertainment business, inspired by watching classic American musicals every Sunday afternoon during my childhood. You might have seen me in Quietness of Copper(2004), Without Provocation (2007) and Some Days Are Better Than Others (2010).

Actor Montage:

Comedy: Oxnard Confidential

Drama:Kane Files – “The Last Trial”

Drama: Bookstore


  • Film/Television
  • Wait there’s more (Spec Pilot)  -Marty (2015)
  • Cross – Atina  (2010)
  • The Kane Files Life of Trial- Jeanette (2010)
  • In the Pines -Detective Belle (2009)
  • Some Days Are Better Than Others Dog -Shelter Worker( 2009)
  • Rahvanas Game -Mrs Prince (2008)
  • Angel 08  (video) -Agneta (2008)
  • Everyman’s War -Escaped German POW’s Wife (2007)
  • Without Provocation (Short) -Linden (2004)
  • SPARROW – Widow (2004)
  • Quietness of Copper (Short)- Portlandia (2004)
  • FREEDA – Anita (1988)


Commercial/Industrial- upon Request


Hush – Anita.. COHO Productions

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf? – Martha.. The Actors Avenue Group

All my sons – Sue..The Actors Avenue Group

The Pews – Clarice.. The Passin Art’s Theatre

Vieux Carre – Jane.. The Actors Avenue


Acting on Camera- Glenn F Haines

Acting Organics – Dimitri Logothetis

Groundlings Basic Improv- Sean Hogan

Ivana Chubbuck Studios – Chris Holder

Intensive Workshop – Larry Moss

Alexander Technique – Kristof Konrad

Acting on Stage – Harry Maestro George

The Actors Avenue – Laurel Smith

Theatre Film Technique – Paul Warner

Improv – Gary Austin

Sketch Comedy – Sean Hogan

Dialect Coach – Lisa Mojsin